Flipping the Bird Doesn’t Mean ‘I Love You’ in Berlin

I know. It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. No excuses. Well, lots of excuses but no good ones. This one’s been in the works for awhile, so without further ado (and delay)

I don’t remember the first time I saw the use of the middle finger. I’m referring to the one that nearly universally tells someone off in a wonderful, non-verbal, but clearly defined fashion. It can be as in-your-face as you want or as subtle as scratching your cheek with it, your other fingers curled under, while looking at the intended recipient with laser-eyed focus (admit it, you’ve done it). Continue reading “Flipping the Bird Doesn’t Mean ‘I Love You’ in Berlin”

I Shopped at Primark. And Lived.

In America, we have this horrible tradition called Black Friday. It used to start the day after Thanksgiving (and thus, lo and behold, a Friday). But more recently, it has crept into the Thursday Thanksgiving Day festivities. Every year, stores outdo each other in the race to start the holiday sales that much earlier than the competition. I like to think of it as “Oh God, It’s Hurry and Chow Down Your Turkey Because We Have To Go Wait In Line and Hold In Every Ounce of Pee Until Our Bladders Explode Thursday.” Continue reading “I Shopped at Primark. And Lived.”

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